I used to only take photos, but now I'm writing down the random stuff that pops in my head. Mostly it's stuff about living and working in Boston/Cambridge.
"In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious
reverence, for he finds it impossible to imagine that he is the first to have thought out the exceedingly delicate threads that connect his perceptions."
-Albert Einstein
"I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land."
-Jon Stewart
To all who are celebrating today, have a wonderful and safe holiday!
Humans have earthly roots, the spirit has wings. By honoring the lineage of being the Earth Mother's children and by finding our spiritual roots in the Dream Weave, our spirits embrace our bodies and together are allowed to take flight.
-Cisi Laughing Crow
"Like water, be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world."
~Brenda Peterson
"Beauty is a primeval phenomenon, which itself never makes its appearance, but the reflection of which is visible in a thousand different utterances of the creative mind, and is as various as nature herself."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"It is with birds as with other poets: the smaller gift need not be the less genuine; and they whom the world calls great . . . may possibly not be the ones who touch us most intimately, or to whom we return oftenest and with most delight."
~ Bradford Torrey
Since everything is but an apparition,
perfect in being what it is,
having nothing to do with good or bad,
acceptance or rejection,
one may well burst out in laughter.
"Look closely, and you will see the bright spots in this day. Give your attention, your thoughts and your efforts to those bright spots, and they will grow even brighter.
Life is rich and complicated, ever-changing and coming at you from every direction. You always have the opportunity to make the very most of it all."
-Ralph Marston
"When the tides of life turn against you and the current upsets your boat, don't waste those tears on what might have been, just lie on your back and float."
"The longest journey is the journey inwards.
Of him who has chosen his destiny, Who has
started upon his quest for the source of his being."
~Dag Hammarskjold
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain
"We're sitting on our blessed Mother Earth from which we get our strength and determination, love and humility - all the beautiful attributes that we've been given. So turn to one another; love one another; respect one another; respect Mother Earth; respect the waters - because that's life itself!"
-Phil Lane, Sr. quotes (Yankton Sioux)